Friday, August 15, 2008

Flashback Friday: The Binkie

The hot-topic at work today was pacifiers, binkies, nukkies, or whatever name you prefer, and how to get a baby to take one. Davis was my only baby that would suck one and some days I wish I could still pop it in his mouth!

Chandler (4), Davis (2), Olivia (6)

Jason's 32nd birthday, February 2005. Love Davey's smile behind the binker and the drool on the shirt! Like father, like son!

May 2005. Yosemite Valley. Looks like Chandler is puckering up, too.

Lake Arrowhead, June 2005. Calling on the power of the binky to free Davey's head.

1 comment:

Rachel said...

i love the railing pose...he really is calling on the powers to be...cute.