Thursday, September 25, 2008

Thursday's Science Lesson

This is a picture of a neuron or nerve cell. I've always been fascinated with them and I think they're kind of cute; like a cell cyclops. Your body has trillions of them! I have a 90 minute Promethean project due Friday morning on neurons and here I am blogging about them. It's official: I'm losing my mind!


Jessica said...

oh man....that really is just BORING. ha ha. You should be a nerve cell for halloween!!! You could totally make it : ) might make me make it when you come in October. I take the suggestion back

Julie said...

I'm afraid Jessica is right....but what every floats your boat. Are you in school?

You're going back to Utah?!?! Lucky woman! Take me with you!!!!!!!!

Rebecca said...

Teaching highschool science at a charter school and lately soooooo much work to do! Yes, I'm going back to Utah for the BYU/UNLV game in October, and then I'm planning to go for Christmas break. Come for a visit!