Monday, October 27, 2008

Charlotte n Jack

My sister, Jessica, and her sweet family spent Friday night with us in Layton. It had been years since Jason last saw Jess and her family. Charlotte LOVED Jason! She went to him and stayed with him the whole night. Thinking the attraction would rub off overnight, I was wide-eyed to see Charlotte cling to Jason on Saturday morning! Thank goodness I had Jack to cuddle with! What a perfect baby!

Can I take him home?

The birthday girl and her favorite person.

Charlotte is trying to escape my grasp.


Jessica said...

I'm so glad we could see you. Even if it was for less than 12 hours! Charlotte will like you! I promise. I bet at Christmas time it will be so fun for you and her!

Julie said...

Children really can sense evil :-)

Maren said...

It looks like you guys had a lot of fun on your trip. Short getaways like that are so great!