Monday, November 3, 2008

Wise Words from Chandler

I picked up my little second grader from school today and he had some big words of advice. Said Chandler, "If you vote for Obama he's gonna take money right out of your back pocket." Guess it was today's hot topic on the playground. Last week he shared comments made by friends regarding Prop 8. Raise your hands if you're ready for election day to be over? I'm ready to move on, to accept the results of History 2008 and to hear my little ones talk about recess and what they ate for hot lunch. Amen.


Stacey said...

Keaton shared that he doesn't like Obama "cause he's gonna raise gas prices" 6 year olds - What will they come up with next =)

Rebecca said...

Chandler said the same thing! And that Obama would end the Iraq war.

Grannie said...

He looks cute!! Interesting what kids pick up! Here is liberal Oregon, I actually have been surprised at how many people are brave enough to put up McCain signs. There are a lot more McCain signs than Bush signs of 4 years ago. Sadly, one neighbor had a McCain sign and someone burned it and left it in tatters in the front yard.

Jessica said...

hE'S A FUnny kid! I wonder what really goes on on the playground!

Michelle said...

Love that!! That has been the case in our house for weeks now...and with all of our kids friends being republican (Yuck!) it makes for some lively dinner conversation!

Julie said...

Bryn and her class are actually voting in class today. They've talked about the candidates and are letting the kids decide. Bryn still says she's voting for McCain, so I guess there hasn't been too much brainwashing :-)

I too will be glad when it's all over and we can get on with life.

The Chandler Family said...

Cade's class voted also, he was one of the few McCain votes..."almost everyone wants Obama"....that's Oregon for ya, I'm ready for it to be over too!