Wednesday, January 7, 2009

For Marty: The Snowman Judge

My good friend and co-conspirator at work, Marty, made fun of my son's snowman. How heartless to make fun of a 7 year-old's first attempt at a snow creature! So, just for you, Marty, here is Chandler's second attempt. He recruited some help and I think, with the exception of the banana, he's pretty darn cute.

A few hours later, Grandma Carol placed a sombrero on top of his head!

Chandler, Olivia, Davis, and my niece, Grace. I love how you can see the mighty, snowy Rockies.

1 comment:

Jessica said...

I LOVE the banana! That's stinkin' hilarious. And it's a darn cute snowman but I prefer the mini one that is now melted in our front yard!!