I am thankful for my boys. I am thankful for the strong-willed personality of Davis. I know it will carry him through periods of trials and opposition. Davis has taught me so much in these 5 years including patience, unconditional love, and persistance for which I am truly thankful. I am thankful for his green eyes because they remind me of Jason. I am thankful for Chandler's kind words and his ability to make me smile without even trying. He has a kind heart and is a friend to all. I am thankful that we named Chandler after my family because I am reminded of my loved ones so far away.
Monday, November 24, 2008
Blessed In Sedona
I am thankful for my boys. I am thankful for the strong-willed personality of Davis. I know it will carry him through periods of trials and opposition. Davis has taught me so much in these 5 years including patience, unconditional love, and persistance for which I am truly thankful. I am thankful for his green eyes because they remind me of Jason. I am thankful for Chandler's kind words and his ability to make me smile without even trying. He has a kind heart and is a friend to all. I am thankful that we named Chandler after my family because I am reminded of my loved ones so far away.
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
A True Blog About Blah, Blah, Blah
2) I sat on my "You Can Advertise Your Business On My Billboard" butt for two days at a PLC conference. Thank goodness for Post-It notes and text messaging. Alice and I passed digital and paper notes back and forth -- in front of our vice-principal who was also passing digital notes. Today: Trying to figure out if one of the teachers across the room was wearing an artificial hair clip. It took us several hours to decide that it was her real hair. Yesterday: Checking out the hottie male teacher from Coalinga -- but the warts on the back of his head turned us off, as did the rolled denim jeans. Do you agree that teachers make the worst students?
3) I'm re-connecting with too many friends on-line and I'm hogging the computer. Hogging? Think of a synonym for hogging.
4) I'm craving a Sonic Blast. Peanut Butter Cups with extra Peanut Butter Cups, please. Did you know that Sonic only charges an additional 40 cents for extra candy? Did you know that it takes nearly an hour of running to burn off the calories consumed in one of those delightful treats? Now, is it worth it?
6) I'm pumped for the BYU vs. the lame Utes game on Saturday. GO COUGARS! If you can tell me the colors of these two teams, then you know you're Utah football.
7) I'm fed up with the Prop 8 battle. I love, LOVE the statement from Elton John -- he clarifies the difference between heterosexual marriages and homosexual civil unions. If you still don't know the difference, go to Yes on 8 homepage.
Sunday, November 16, 2008
An Artsy Weekend
At the Met's re-grand opening, we enjoyed an entertaining puppet show, children's activity center, ginormous feathered dinosaurs (and they were U-G-L-Y), peacocks, crafts, endless flights of stairs in a flourescent green stairwell, masked creatures running loose, and smiles by all. The young family scientist, Chandler, was in HEAVEN. I whispered to Jason about an hour into the tour, "he hasn't stopped talking!" I enjoyed reading about Archaeopteryx, my feathered friend from a BYU ornithology course, and took my time walking through the exhibit while Jason chased the boys around (hee, hee, what a nice wife).
Who are these masked creatures?
Saturday evening we took the kids to see one of my favorite stories of all time: Annie. Olivia and I saw a traveling production of Annie this past May and I was excited to hear that it was being performed at the Mercedes Edward's Theater in Clovis. Our friends, the Barberichs and Kelloggs, met us there with their children and everyone enjoyed the show and yummy Coldstone icecream for dessert. I loved, LOVED, the actress that played Ms. Hannigan -- she was absolutely amazing and my favorite performer. (And I loved, LOVED, my chocolate peanut butter perfection treat.)
I'm so thankful that I can share the Arts with my children and friends. I'm especially thankful for the creativity of others and talented artists, actors, and performers everywhere.
Friday, November 14, 2008
Bach Children's Choir
Sunday, November 9, 2008
My Poor Baby!
I couldn't help but smile because I wish my problems were as minor as a lost video game.
Mommy's kisses make it all better! As if!
Wednesday, November 5, 2008