Monday, March 9, 2009


O.k, my blog is no longer in trouble. I've been lazy. Some days I come home, lay in bed and do n-o-t-h-i-n-g. I pooped out after 4 back-to-back weekends of out-of-town excursions, an overwhelming, swamped two weeks of work for WASC, and Baby 4 growing inside my wee belly (not so wee, let me tell ya). This week is extra crazy with Olivia's play opening on Thursday and Davis' baseball started tonight with 2 hour practices. Yes, two hour practices for 5/6 year olds. (Confession: I fibbed about Davey's age but he was ready for the Big League. He was awesome tonight and the other parents were amazed!) I hope to get off the lazy bus soon and post something spectacular. Love to you all!


Grannie said...

I would definitely NOT call you lazy, Becky!! Be sure and take pictures of Olivia with her costume, etc. Davis is headed for the major leagues; how is the panda project going for Chandler?!

Jessica said...

Yeah, you're not lazy. Rest and relaxation until baby #4 is here is what you gotta do. What play is Olivia doing? What's her part?