Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Happy Shawn, Happy Davis!

The cookies were a hit! Shawn, the Leprechaun, did not play any silly tricks on Davis and Chandler, and instead left a little treat. The treat was left on the doorstep late in the evening and Davis screamed in delight at the glowing green mug filled to the brim with gold chocolate coins and Reeses Peanut Butter Cups. Chandler looked for the little green guy and after a disappointing Leprechaun hunt concluded, "Shawn was transported back to Ireland." Oh, how I wish I was young, innocent, and imaginative like my boys.

Monday, March 16, 2009

Sweets for Shawn

Oh, to be in Kindergarten again! Davis has been learning about Ireland, St. Patrick's Day, and Shawn, the Leprechaun. Shawn has been taunting Davis' class for a week -- leaving footprints, eating treats, writing notes, and leaving his little green pants on the playground. In hopes of keeping the peace with the pesty Leprechaun, Davis and Chandler each wrote Shawn notes and taped them to the bottom of our front door. They have been there for days! Tonight we decided to bake and decorate cookies for Shawn to keep him happy. (Nothing fancy with our cookies -- some gummy worms, green and yellow sparkly frosting, sprinkles, and we just slap it on! Davis tried to add some gold to his cookies . . . .)

Monday, March 9, 2009


O.k, my blog is no longer in trouble. I've been lazy. Some days I come home, lay in bed and do n-o-t-h-i-n-g. I pooped out after 4 back-to-back weekends of out-of-town excursions, an overwhelming, swamped two weeks of work for WASC, and Baby 4 growing inside my wee belly (not so wee, let me tell ya). This week is extra crazy with Olivia's play opening on Thursday and Davis' baseball started tonight with 2 hour practices. Yes, two hour practices for 5/6 year olds. (Confession: I fibbed about Davey's age but he was ready for the Big League. He was awesome tonight and the other parents were amazed!) I hope to get off the lazy bus soon and post something spectacular. Love to you all!