Thursday, March 4, 2010

My Grandpa Rocks!

I have the most amazing grandfather. Jason and I took the kids to see Grandpa Jesse on New Years Day. I wish that I had more time to visit him since he's only about a 4 hour drive away. He is turning 94 years old this month but still has the energy of a young man. I think he'll live many more years.


Wade said...

Oh my goodness, he looks amazing. I haven't seen Grandpa in years. Not since I've been married for sure. Makes me sad.

Wade said...

oh I'm typing from wade's account cause i was too lazy to type from mine! ha ha

Jay and Emily said...

He looks so good -- especially for being 94! I'm guessing that is Tim's dad???

Rebecca said...

Yes, Emily! How are you and the cute baby boy???

Anonymous said...

Cute pictures!!! That's great that the kids will have a memory of their GREAT grandpa... I never knew any of mine! The pictures are sooooooo cute of the cute kids!